Sunday, October 11, 2015

pretending not to mind

what am i supposed to write about bricks?

I was proud of myself when I figured out how to draw bricks. stacked in their usual order. predictable.

they were always there watching. stacked uniformly. doing their job and pretending not to mind when they were the first brick to be laid.
carrying the weight of your school
your home
your heart

but humans dont seem to be that way.
distant fathers miss soccer games
& simply being okay
when nothing is okay
goes unnoticed


offense burns through four downs
& defense lets a touchdown slip past

& I hit a brick wall

& the final score is all anyone talks about in the end.

what's your GPA? ACT? College?
how many boys have you kissed?
how many boys haven't you kissed?

& in the end I'm the first brick to be laid:
& pretending not to mind

but man, do i mind.


  1. Where do you get all these great pics? #Quality

  2. teach me your ways because i'm in awe

  3. you are amazing. seriously tutor me in writting

  4. This post is "Literally" Amazing

  5. This was super powerful. Wish I had a snap emoji that I could use.

  6. your individual lines pop and are relatable and deserve an "unhh" but you aren't just writing individual lines you're writing whole poems.

    You're forever the coolest. Best blog friend (that be a thing right?)
