Sunday, October 25, 2015

I fear fear

I fear heartbreak & breaking hearts

I fear time & feeling & running out

I fear judgments & judging

I fear birds & bees & most bugs

I fear losing the ones I love in more than a million ways
--but mostly one way for each of them

I fear the expected but mostly the unexpected

I fear getting lost

or kidnapped

or broken

I fear the forecast for the rest of her life

I fear the tears and shards of glass in my heart

I fear failure.
always failure.

but who doesn't?

I'm not trying to say I'm unique
in any of this

They say to overcome your fears
but it's the most I can do to ignore them.

ignore them

ignore them

for now that's all i know how to do

and that scares me

Tips for capturing silhouette photos - use spot metering, meter for the sky, aperture of f.8:

Double exposure portraits: a simple tutorial for making surrealist images:                "Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind."  —Bertrand Russel:


  1. "I fear judgments & judging''
    " I fear losing the ones I love in more than a million ways
    --but mostly one way for each of them"

  2. "I fear the forecast for the rest of her life" #stolen

  3. This was perfectly written. I loved all of it

  4. They say to overcome your fears
    but it's the most I can do to ignore them.

    loved it all. you are so good.
