Saturday, September 26, 2015


you left and told me 

"you'll be okay"


except I wasn't.

I told my family

& my friends

& myself

"I'm okay."

but I knew I wasn't.

with every tear on my pillow

every tear in my cereal

every tear on my sleeve

every tear at school that sent me home immediately

because you can't feel at school.

I knew I was being selfish

but so were you

& the tears wouldn't let me stop

you came home 

and somehow that hurt worse than your departure

you moved on

& I'm glad to see you around

but somehow the wounds never healed

& now they're scars.

now they're part of me.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

still breathing

i know i'm human because my mom told me so.

but if that's not enough for you here's some more:

i know i'm human because i've hurt someone
over & over again
& they kept coming back
& i still can't figure out why

i know i'm human because i love spaghetti
& ice cream. 

i know i'm human because i get car sick
& home sick
& love sick
& sick sick

i know im human because i'm allergic to cats
& september 
& rude people

i know i'm human because i cry
all the time
happy tears
& sad tears 
& "i'm fine" tears
(except i'm almost never fine)
& my trash can is full of tears in used tissues

i know i'm human because i spoil my dog
& i get emotional thinking about her dying
then again i get emotional over a lot of things
that's another reason

i know i'm human because i have regrets

i know i'm human because i get quiet when i'm mad
really quiet

i know i'm human because I eat cheerios for dinner & nothing for breakfast

i know i'm human because i love to feel
& read
& laugh
& talk
& cry

i know i'm human because i drive with the windows down
& i drive with my knees more than my left hand
cause it has to be out the window

i know i'm human because i get confused
& i twist words in my head
& hate when other humans do the same

i guess you could call me a hypocrite.

ok, i know i'm human because i'm a hypocrite.

i know i'm human because i get things right
but mostly wrong
& i try to be better...
but mostly wrong.

i know i'm human because i find it hard to breathe way too often to be a robot

i know i'm human because 




Saturday, September 19, 2015


Hands held me close
& closer

Sweet goodbyes
Became desperate

Tight hugs
Became suffocating

More sincere

And I hoped it wouldn't take tragedy
To pull my cold fingers from my eyes
& realize what's real. 

Please don't go

Because the thought of your absence has me drowning
and if you left tonight


Friday, September 18, 2015

relentless teardrops

I thought I'd make a how-to
on something I seem to know a lot about

and maybe you're not into that so you've already clicked the back button
but I've learned from experience that

sometimes you have to feel the sad stuff 
actually feel it
and probably cry about it
to move on
and shove the tears back in your eyes

how to cry

step one:
think about everything too much
because if you don't,
you'll be just fine

step two:
let your heart sadden,
becoming soggy with the tears that haven't spilled
and choked by the sobbing that's yet to come

step three:
try to keep them in
the teardrops I mean
because for some reason that gives them all the more reason
to fall

step four:
once you're crying
just a little
about the simple sad things
remind yourself of the heartbreaking things
so that your heart can break one more time

now the tears are really flowing
and if someone walked in you'd be hosed
and I know it,
but don't worry I won't tell

step five:
don't try to stop
or else the teardrops will never let you.
just let them wear themselves out
& dry themselves off
& you'll be worn out too

step six:
now you have to sleep.
really, this is mandatory
it's like a giant reset button and when you wake
you won't feel as much

which is ok for a little while.

but then you have to repeat.
because those relentless teardrops will find you
and eventually
you'll need to release


step seven:
repeat steps one through six

because "pain demands to be felt."

Sunday, September 13, 2015

same boy

movies that weren't quite dates

feelings that weren't quite complete

& goodbyes too cold for what was felt.

sharing deepest thoughts

and somehow stopping it from changing everything

it reached down her throat and tried to find a way to her heart

but she wouldn't let it

why wouldnt she let it


but time's up. 

he's cut the lines from her naïve fingers to his heartstrings

and replaced her. 

how do you feel heartbreak 

when you never gave your heart in the first place

why does she feel this regret when she turned away from what was right in front of her for so long

so many times

so many hard conversations

all for naught

what happened to us

When did this happen

When did our childhood get packed away

When did they omit crayons from the school supply lists

& when did we stop pronouncing it CRAN

When did we stop wearing layers of our favorite clothes because we couldn't pick

When did we stop laughing at anything we thought a little funny

& when did we stop climbing trees

When did the cracks in the sidewalk stop breaking our mommas backs

& start breaking their hearts

When did we graduate from sidewalk chalk

& when did we get this close to actual graduation

When did we start breaking our own hearts

& when will it stop

Sunday, September 6, 2015

hat vacancy

cross your fingers
& hope
that we're more than shells of people
living on repeat.
repeating bad hair days

hopefully there's something under that hat
other than greasy hair
& vacancy

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

If you knew me

If you knew me you'd know that

I'm a kid at heart.

& I hate growing up

& cats.

You'd know I love watching the storms roll in

& hate watching people go.

You'd notice this necklace I wear every day and you might ask why.

But you might not.

You'd know I love to drive with the windows down.

All the way down.

But sometimes my walls can't seem to be that way.

Motivation: Motivation

You'd know that I wish I could be more confident.

You'd know that I'm afraid

of tomorrow

& yesterday.

& I don't know why.

You'd know that I'm the most sentimental

& sensitive person I know.

& that I cry about Disneyland.

& I cry in the movies that no one else cries in.

& books that no one's read

& I feel like crying while reminiscing.  But why does that have to be such a sad thing to do?

I wish I could catch the teardrops in my hands but

everything slips through my fingers.

But if you knew me you might not know these things.

If you knew me you might not even know me.

So hi

I'm [Adeline Stone]

Let's see where this goes.

Let's get to know each other.