Sunday, January 31, 2016


i wear the same necklace every day
and if you give me another ill wear that one too

i keep a careful planner and find myself embarrassed by it

im skeptical of generalizations
and i drink more water than anyone i know

my humor is dry
and my eyes almost never are
in a not so sad sort of way

the smells that i love are actually people
and the dried flowers in my room are people too
and people are everything
and everything is people

im terrified of the future
im in love with the future

im terrified of love
im in love with love

im terrified of you.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

i was born on the sixth.

I was born on the sixth.
and I'm often found in my room

I've never been fond of growing up
and I'm afraid that everyone will leave.

I work at Hobby Lobby
and I'm terrible at goodbyes.

I cry too often to be taken seriously

I'm self-conscious of my weight
and really good at comparisons.

I love the smell of rain
and the way the sky seems to be painted just for me;
that kind of constant change that takes your breath away.

I love to drive with my arm out the window
and I sing at the top of lungs
                        but only when I'm alone.

I've never been in love
but have somehow fallen out of it more than once.

I'm often unsure of what to do
and I wish I wouldn't let people hurt me in the way they do.

My lungs rarely fill to capacity
and I run out of breath far too often.

My name is paige.

I never learned to whistle.

I love the sound of my grandmother's voice
so I call her just to talk.

If you see me without my water bottle
I'm probably thirsty
           and not in the way teenagers in general are thirsty
but genuinely thirsty.

I hate the sound of ticking clocks
and I hope one day I'll come to terms
with time.

but I don't see that happening
so I roll with the punches
and let them catch up with me late at night.

If my husband dies before me I'll already be dead.

My name is paige.
and I was born on the sixth.

Saturday, January 2, 2016


I remember when that boy made fun of my backpack
and that was the first time I held back the tears.
I remember when my sister came to church.
I remember when she loved it.
I remember when my house was pink in the daylight.
I remember when my grandpa pulled me out of the pool by my collar
and I remembered how to breathe.
I remember sitting next to that first boy and forgetting how to breathe.
I remember warm hearts and cold bones.
I remember that long drive when two hearts broke.
I remember Monday morning when I tried to catch your emails in my fingers.
I remember an unexpected phone call and the thing I thought felt like heartbreak.
I remember a text on Wednesday.
I remember a rose on Thursday morning.
I remember the anger
and the sadness on Friday.
I remember a lonely night
and I remember a full journal.
I remember a tight stomach and short texts.
I remember shivering for more reasons than the temperature.
I remember a dusty porch
and awkward silence.
I remember shaking fingers and slow speech.
I remember healing hearts and broken walls.
I remember a hug too long
and then too short.

I remember whispered apologies
and whispered goodbyes.