Sunday, September 13, 2015

same boy

movies that weren't quite dates

feelings that weren't quite complete

& goodbyes too cold for what was felt.

sharing deepest thoughts

and somehow stopping it from changing everything

it reached down her throat and tried to find a way to her heart

but she wouldn't let it

why wouldnt she let it


but time's up. 

he's cut the lines from her naïve fingers to his heartstrings

and replaced her. 

how do you feel heartbreak 

when you never gave your heart in the first place

why does she feel this regret when she turned away from what was right in front of her for so long

so many times

so many hard conversations

all for naught

what happened to us


  1. you're incredible and this is incredible and i want to know you and tell you that it will all be alright because with words like that you're going to be alright

  2. the first two lines. killin it
    also don't be so hard on yourself. it'll work out

    1. Agreed, the first lines were great. I mean the rest of the poem was great too, but the first two really caught my attention. Nice job. And i totally feel what you said in this, I'm in the same place

  3. i agree ^^

    first two lines

    and i dont know why but the picture just makes sense to me. when i think of hard conversations i think sitting in his car at 2 am talking.

    you got me

  4. "movies that weren't quite date" small but so huge and I wrote it on my quotes page in my journal in green and I only write special ones in green

  5. "and somehow stopping it from changing everything

    it reached down her throat and tried to find a way to her heart

    but she wouldn't let it

    why wouldnt she let it"

    this time these lines hit me.

    Also I want to use something like that first line for a poem of mine. Not sure how I'm going to but I freaking love it.
