Tuesday, September 1, 2015

If you knew me

If you knew me you'd know that

I'm a kid at heart.

& I hate growing up

& cats.

You'd know I love watching the storms roll in

& hate watching people go.

You'd notice this necklace I wear every day and you might ask why.

But you might not.

You'd know I love to drive with the windows down.

All the way down.

But sometimes my walls can't seem to be that way.

Motivation: Motivation

You'd know that I wish I could be more confident.

You'd know that I'm afraid

of tomorrow

& yesterday.

& I don't know why.

You'd know that I'm the most sentimental

& sensitive person I know.

& that I cry about Disneyland.

& I cry in the movies that no one else cries in.

& books that no one's read

& I feel like crying while reminiscing.  But why does that have to be such a sad thing to do?

I wish I could catch the teardrops in my hands but

everything slips through my fingers.

But if you knew me you might not know these things.

If you knew me you might not even know me.

So hi

I'm [Adeline Stone]

Let's see where this goes.

Let's get to know each other.


  1. I love everything about this! I hope I can really get to know you this semester!

  2. I wish I could catch the teardrops in my hands but everything slips through my fingers.
    This is just amazing.

  3. This truly honestly made me stop cold. It's incredible and honest and so eloquently, beautifully written. I want to know you.

  4. i seriously love love love this. such good imagery & detail.

  5. I really liked this and I feel like I would really like you. Super good.

  6. "& books that no one's read"

    IF YOU KNEW ME is some end of the year stuff. But you killed it early. Good job.

  7. casually stalking your blog hahaha and just read this and yeah wowww "I wish I could catch the teardrops in my hands but everything slips through my fingers." LOVE THAT

    1. hahah pls feel free to stalk, I change and add things all the time. Just added "same boy"

  8. Hi Adeline I really really like getting to know you

    "I cry about Disneyland" okay boom

  9. "I'm [Adeline Stone]"

    In the next two weeks I'll know the real name that goes there. #nostalgia #scared #excited
