Saturday, September 26, 2015


you left and told me 

"you'll be okay"


except I wasn't.

I told my family

& my friends

& myself

"I'm okay."

but I knew I wasn't.

with every tear on my pillow

every tear in my cereal

every tear on my sleeve

every tear at school that sent me home immediately

because you can't feel at school.

I knew I was being selfish

but so were you

& the tears wouldn't let me stop

you came home 

and somehow that hurt worse than your departure

you moved on

& I'm glad to see you around

but somehow the wounds never healed

& now they're scars.

now they're part of me.


  1. seriously you are amazing. you always leave me speechless

  2. You came home and somehow that hurt worse than your departure... OH MY GOODNESS.... Torture.... Thats what your scars represent... Dang it.... This was amazing.

  3. "okay" is my least favorite word because no ones every okay
    this post is fantastic
