Friday, November 27, 2015


Dear [Adeline]

thank you for letting me cry into your pillow

and pretending not to mind when the tears spilled over onto this blog.

thank you for covering for me when I wanted to share
my deepest
because I don't think I could've done it without you.

thank you for agreeing with me
when I thought we deserved more comments
but not letting me wallow in self-pity

because you know me so well.

thank you for taking on a life of your own

and teaching me so much about myself
just by listening

& thank YOU

thank you
thank you for the promises to come back for more
since the very first "maybe"

and thank you for letting me take pride in the posts I wanted to delete

and thank you for your own,
the inspiration I couldn't have written one thing without.

thank you for sighing with me
and crying with me
and being patient with me
when I couldn't quite find the right words

& I never did mean to be the sad blog.

This isn't the end.
because this blog is far too therapeutic
to live without

[Adeline], you will be a favorite memory.
a sad smile
a good laugh

and now they'll call me


because life goes on

and pain demands to be felt.


Paige Smalley


  1. Oh my goodness Paige!! I absolutely love you and your blog is amazing! This was one of my favorite reveals so far!

  2. "thank you for letting me cry into your pillow

    and pretending not to mind when the tears spilled over onto this blog." This is why I blog stalk you.

    Thank you Paige. You're a beautiful writer and I'm so glad nothing got deleted because I want to always be able to read your words. They're so great.

    Thanks for being my bff, it will continue as Courtney/Adeline or Trevor/Paige. Seriously so cool to know who you are because you're amazing.

  3. Wow Paige! I did not see that one coming. Your blog is amazing and you are a great writer!

  4. oh my gosh. Paige!!!!!

    seriously your comments always make my day. and your posts. And I'm sooooo glad I finally know who is behind this blog. because you're amazing, and gorgeous, and kind, and ahhh I just love you.

  5. Yess Paige. Your blog is soooo good!

  6. Ahh Paige! You're blog is so good, this was amazing!

  7. Paige you inspire me. (also you did the whole thank you letter reveal 59485730573 times better and I worship you so yeah *heart* bye)

    1. Thanks for the inspiration, literally have stolen so many things of yours


  8. I literally shed a tear. Your blog was so amazing, thank you.

  9. "Thank you for letting me take pride in the posts I wanted to delete" I think this was my favorite thing about this class--everybody supports each other and finds beauty in everybody else's writing. This was honest and awesome.

  10. 'and pain demands to be felt.'
    seriously the most amazing quote ever. You're incredible.

  11. "thank you for taking on a life of your own

    and teaching me so much about myself
    just by listening"

    beautiful, such a good reveal

  12. Your blog is awesome and I read it every week. I think your pen name is one of the best. At times I've wanted to change mine because it's too... Broad. But awesome reveal and it's nice to meet you!

  13. paige! you are so talented! i love you and your writing.

  14. oh my heck you're amazing. I love your blog. best reveal EVER

  15. Your blog has such a way of focusing the spotlight on other people. Way to go.

  16. You would not believe the burst of happy when I saw your thank you to me. I had no idea my comments were such an impact. Nice to truly meet you Paige!
